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The beer menu
To accompany a good meal or simply a moment of relaxation, le Domaine de la Castagnére offers you a selection of beers.
We trust the CLOUQUE micro-brewery
from Salies de Béarn to delight your taste buds.

TheBrasserie Clouqueis a microbrewery located in Salies de Béarn. These creative beers, brewed in small batches with passion,
are there to introduce you to a variety of aromas and flavors.
Beers are priced at €7 per 75 cl bottle
White beer

Blond beer
RED Wines

Beers Amber

Limited edition beers

René Douma - Chemin de Lagisquet 64270 Salies de Béarn

It is forbidden to drive with a blood alcohol level greater than or equal to 0.5 g/l of blood
(or 0.2 g/l if you have a probationary licence)
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