Places of relaxation of Castagnère
The patio
The patio is the old barn of the Domaine (une Clouque) whose roof unfortunately collapsed in August 2013. It has been transformed into a patio where the pebble of the Gave joins the wood, the flowers. thecrackling fire in the brazier joins the flow of water from the basin. The hammocks, deckchairs, sofas invite you to rest, to relax to enjoy a tea, a beer, a slate of chocolate for reading a book, a game of chess, card.
The winter terrace
The winter terrace faces south, protected from the westerly wind.
An outdoor lounge allows you to have an aperitif before dinner.
The summer terrace
The summer terrace faces west,
ideal for watching the sunset during your Table d'Htake away.
The hammock corner
The Hammocks corner is in the shade of the plum trees,
View of the orchard, the garden, the calm, the countryside, the Castagnère
the pond
The pond is located on the stream at the property boundary, near the bivouac area
Place of greenery, flowers, water, ideal for a reading corner in the company of geese, ducks
the Calm, the Countryside, the Castagnère